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"Never Stop Singing!"

09/09/2021 08:27:58 PM


Rabbi Reuben Israel Abraham, CDR, CHC, USN (ret)

In this week’s parashah, Parashat Va-Yeilech, we read the following: "(So) now write down this song for yourselves and teach it to B'Nei Yisrael …." (Devarim 31:19) To what song is this verse referring?  The song is nothing less than the words of the Torah itself that Moshe received from HaShem on Har Sinai (Mount Sinai), and the reason for them to be written down is so that B'Nei Yisrael will learn them and study them and use them.  But the question that might be asked is: “Why are the words of the Torah referred to as a ‘song?’”

          It is interesting to note that in the second half of this verse we find the following: " it in their mouths, in order that this song may be My witness against B'nei Yisrael." (ibid.)  It is interesting to note that in Sefer Yehoshua (the Book of Joshua), we read the following as it relates to the verse from Sefer Devarim (the Book of Deuteronomy): “And it was when Yehoshua was near Yericho (Jericho) he looked up and saw a man standing before him, a drawn sword in his hand.  Yehoshua went up to him and asked him: ‘Are you one of us or are you one of our enemies?’  He replied: ‘No, I am Captain of Hashem’s host!  Now I have come!’” (Yehoshua 5:13) The Sages of the Talmud understood this scenario to mean that HaShem was displeased with B'nei Yisrael's lack of commitment to H-s Torah.  Why?  Because both Yehoshua and B'nei Yisrael had not fulfilled the intention behind the command of writing and teaching the words of the song "Now," without delay.

This Shabbat is known as “Shabbat Shuva,” the "Sabbath of Returning."  It is the Shabbat when every member of Am Yisrael (the People Israel) hopefully returns and recommits to Judaism and the Jewish People.  One of the simplest and most effective ways of doing this is committing oneself to Torah in whatever way possible.  You may ask if this commitment is to be based solely upon the fact that there is an unbroken chain of inheritance from previous generations to be maintained.  For many, it is.  But while one may commit to Judaism because one is happy to continue the history and values of our people, the fact remains that such a commitment is not based upon one's life being interwoven at any meaningful level with the Torah.  And this is sad, for such a commitment is neither viable nor sustainable.  An example of this is the long-held belief that young Jews should commit their lives to Judaism and the Jewish People in order to honor the victims of the Holocaust.  The response of young Jews is that this is not a reason to remain Jewish.  Perhaps what is needed is something that will touch their hearts and souls.

The verse from this week's parashah refers to the words of the Torah as a "song."  A song is meant to be sung, and it is meant to be sung well.  And in order for a song to be sung well it must come from within, having touched the deepest levels of one's heart and soul.  A song sung well expresses a deep meaning that transcends the logic of its words.  A song sung well bursts forth when one's whole being becomes absorbed in its deep inner dimensions.  That is what the Torah is to be for all of us: it is to be the song we sing because we are Am Yisrael.

We are at that point of this New Year of 5782 when we are about to return one-on-one to HaShem.  Indeed, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement ("At-one-ment) means that in spite of being in community prayer to HaShem, each one of us is in the act of being "at one" with HaShem.  And to remain in this moment of "at-one-ment" with HaShem throughout the year of 5782, each of us must continually strive with all the passion we can muster to make our relationship with HaShem the song of our lives.  We can do this by singing the “Song of the Torah” with all of our hearts, with all of our souls, and with all of our strength each and every week of the year on Shabbat.  May each one us commit to singing this song loudly and to singing it well for all of 5782!

“Gamar Chatima Tova!”  May all of you be sealed for a good year in the Book of Life for 5782! 




Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785