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We offer a wide array of religious programs and prayer services to participate in during the holidays and beyond. The times of our regular Friday and Saturday Shabbat services are listed on the side bar as well as the calendar. To locate our synagogue calendar for a full list of service and program times, please click here.  If you are looking for a FULL LIST of High Holiday service times please click here. 


High Holidays

The High Holidays are a wonderful time at CSS.  We gather as a full community for services on Erev Rosh Hashanah, both days of Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur.  On the first day of Rosh Hashanah, it is our tradition to conclude the day with a lively Tashlich service at one of our congregants' home.  This brief service gives us the opportunity to symbolically cast away our sins.

On Yom Kippur, we provide prayer opportunities throughout the day.  To conclude the Neilah service, we invite all children in our community to ascend the bima to hear the final blast of the shofar.  We then gather for a congregational break-the-fast.

We offer two adult services for our High Holidays: a Conservative Traditional and a Conservative Egalitarian service.  Members may request to be seated in either service.  If you have questions about our services or programming, please contact the synagogue office at 215-677-1600 or—we are happy to help you navigate the many choices available to you. If you are looking for a FULL LIST of service times please click here. 

Honors are available in both services.  If you would like an Honor on the High Holidays, please contact the office.

Please check  our calendar for a full schedule of our High Holiday services.

General Information

We offer reserved seating in both the Conservative Traditional and Conservative Egalitarian services.

Prayerbooks, calendars, and Yizkor books will be provided at your seat on the High Holidays.  To contribute a name to our Yizkor book, please contact the CSS Men's Club.


We are always looking for more advertisers.  If you know of a business in our community that would like to advertise in our community, please let us know. For more information, please call Carrie in the synagogue office.

Wish your CSS friends a Happy and Healthy New Year in our calendar; it's so easy! Simply send Carrie in the office the text you would like us to use.  You can also include a celebratory listing in our calendar such as a birthday, anniversary, etc.  Please contact Carrie in the office for more information.

Parking Spaces

We offer reserved parking spots for the High Holidays.  Reserved parking ensures you will get a spot in our parking lot for all high holiday services and events.

Reserve your parking spaces(max 3) here.

Member Tickets

All members in good standing (current in dues and financial obligations) receive tickets to our services. Tickets will arrive soon by mail.

CSS membership entitles the household to tickets for each adult.  Tickets are not transferable.  If you have an outstanding balance, please contact the office and we will assist you with payment arrangements.

Guest Tickets

Tickets for guests are available for an additional fee. Please contact the office to attain guest tickets.

Childcare & Children's Programming

Childcare is available with pre-registration for children 18 months to 4 years old.

Sunday School age children meet for holiday related activities and snacks.  Junior Congregation meets in the Chapel for our Hebrew School age children.



Ushers will be available to assist you for both seating and other needs.  Please follow their directions when entering to ensure that the service is not disturbed.

For accessibility to our sanctuaries, we have a handicap entrance on the right side of the building.  For other accessibility needs, please contact the office.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785